VivienChinos Photography

How to remove overexposure spot on the face in Photoshop

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Can anyone tell me how to remove overexposure spots on the face in photoshop? are u stuck on this question? this blog will expatiate on this very common but easy to fix the issue.

photo of an overexposed picture being treated in photoshop

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Create a new layer, set it to color dodge at 100%, and choose soft light as the blending mode. On the layer, paint over the spots with white. The more you paint it will cover up more of that area to remove overexposure spot on the face in photoshop. You can also paint with black if you want to darken that area too.

You can also select the area you want to paint on, and on the new layer, do a quick mask as a cut out as well as you can. Then use that layer as a layer mask to paint over the overexposed spot. In this manner, you have more precise control on just where those areas will be covered up. Of course, if it’s a black and white image, then go ahead and use a quick mask of the area you want to paint over instead of using a duplicate layer.

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Before and after of an overexposed portrait

Another method in removing exposure spots on the face in photoshop is using the blur tool. First, you must know the direction of the exposure spot. I will try to make it easy to understand for this tutorial.

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Assuming your exposure spot is perpendicular to your face, you can choose the blur tool and drag it horizontally on top of that exposure spots.

You may also see how you can paint over that exposure spot with black or any dark color to cover it up if it’s not far from the face area. You can also use a layer mask to paint over the spot if you want.

There are still other methods to remove exposure spots on the face in photoshop by varying it with different tools, techniques, and hardening the image. To know more about these methods, you can refer to this blog on how to remove overexposure spot on the face in photoshop

Take note that if your exposure spots are not on the center of the image area, the method above won’t work for you. So it would be better if you work with this tutorial and experiment yourself until you get close enough results to your own eyes.

What are your ideas on how to remove exposure spots on the face in photoshop? do you think there’s something better than the above method? will you try my method using the blur tool?

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